Information Technology, TTU System

Texas Tech University System has adopted a collaborative governance model that aligns IT with the overall mission and goals of the institutions. The Office of the TTU System Chief Information Officer works jointly with the CIOs from Texas Tech University, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center El Paso, Angelo State University, and Midwestern State University and chairs the CIO Council. The CIOs work collaboratively through the CIO Council to coordinate IT direction, strategic plans, risk assessments and policies for the Texas Tech entities as well as IT related compliance and reporting for the state of Texas.
The TTU System Information Technology Division works with the Texas Tech community to identify and provide solutions needed to service our students, faculty and staff. In collaboration with our constituents and the private sector, the Information Technology Division has deployed a robust portfolio of IT solutions and services that support the academic, research, and service mission of the institutions.
The TTU System IT Division departments servicing the institutions are:
The IT Division understands that emerging technologies, security threats, and a growing demand for information technology services creates many opportunities and challenges. As we look to the future, we are eager to continue our internal and external partnerships to ensure our systems and services provide added value to meet the needs of the Texas Tech University System community.